South Towns Camera Club
Preparing & Submitting Digital Images for Competition
(Revised 8/2020)

Preparing a Digital Image

  1. Digital images need to be resized to a maximum width of 1920 pixels and maximum height of 1080 pixels.  It is recommended that you save a full resolution copy of your image prior to resizing.
  2. Take the following steps in Photoshop -
    a.  Click Image>Image Size
    b.  In the pop-up dialog box make sure "Constrain Proportions" is checked
    c.  Enter 300 in the Resolution field
  3. For a horizontal image (landscape orientation)
    a.  Change the width field to 1920 pixels
    b.  If the height field is less than 1080 pixels, you are done
    c.  If the height field is more than 1080, change the height field to 1080 and the width field will automatically adjust
  4. For a vertical image (portrait orientation)
    a.  Change the height field only to 1080 pixels, the width field will automatically adjust
  5. Click OK
  6. Use Save As to save the resized image so that you do not overwrite the original file

Submitting a Digital Image for Competition

  1. Go to the website "" and log in
  2. Click on the Competitions tab on the top bar
    a.  Select Submit Images to Competitions to open the page of upcoming competitions
    b.  Click the Select button for the competition you are entering
    c.  Click the Upload Images into Competition button at the bottom of the screen
    d.  Click the Select button to navigate to the folder where your images are located
    e.  Select your image and click Open
    f.  Click on Save Images and Proceed to Edit Page button
    g.  In the Title box you may change the image title if desired
    h.  Click Save any Changes and Return to Original Page
    i.  Submitted image(s) will appear on this screen
    j  To enter another image click on the Upload Images for Competition and follow d-h above
    k.  If no additional images need to be entered, click on Return to Competition List
  3. If you want to double check that your images have been submitted, click on the Select button next to the competition date. Make sure your images appear on the screen.  If they do not appear, they have not been submitted.

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